Tumor Genome Sequencing (Research) - AA032a

Test Codes
Ordering Information
  • FFPE: 3 scrolls, 20 microns in FFPE Scrolls
  • Bone Marrow: - in Lavender Top (EDTA) Tubes
  • FFPE: 10 unstained slides, 5 micron sections plus 1 original slide for H&E, 5 micron sections in Slides
  • Blood: - in Lavender Top (EDTA) Tubes
  • DNA: >400 uL with >50ng/uL in 0.75mL Micronic Tubes/1.7mL Microfuge tubes
21 days
Detailed Test Information
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Solid Tumor Neoplasms, Melanoma, Ovarian Cancer, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Breast Cancer, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Test Information: Tumor genome sequencing is used to identify clinically significant genetic variants in a patient’s tumor that may have therapeutic, prognostic, and/or diagnostic implications. Variants included on the report are limited to those classified as either Tier 1 variants, Tier 2 variants, and Tier 3 variants with evidence towards somatic origin or with potential clinical significance.

Methodology: Genome sequencing covers a minimum of 95% of the genome with 20X coverage or higher. Nucleic acid from the submitted tumor specimen is isolated and nucleic acid from the submitted specimen is enriched for coding and adjacent noncoding (splice) regions of the genes using the IDT xGen Exome (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA). The library products are sequenced with 2 by 150 bp reads on the Illumina NovaSeq sequencing instrument (Illumina, San Diego, CA). After alignment to the reference genome (GRCh37/hg19), off target, low quality, and duplicate reads are removed from the analysis. The targeted regions are assessed for average depth of coverage and other data quality thresholds. Variants are called using several different variant calling algorithms, including ones developed by Genosity.

This test detects single nucleotide substitutions (SNVs) and small insertions, deletions, and indels located in the coding sequences and known splice regions in the genes targeted by the test. Tumor mutation burden is presented as the number of mutations per mega base of the analyzed region.

This is an oncology-driven analysis and variants included on the report are limited to those identified in genes reported in the patient’s tumor type or any tumor type if patient’s tumor type is unknown or unclear or knowledge of the associations of genes with patient’s tumor type is limited (list available upon request). Sequence alterations are described according to the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature guidelines. Variants are classified according to the joint consensus recommendations for the interpretation and reporting of sequence variants in cancer by the Association for Molecular Pathology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and College of American Pathologists Variants (PMID: 27993330). Variants with strong or potential clinical significance (Tier 1 and Tier 2 variants) are reported. Variants of unknown clinical significance (Tier 3 variants) with evidence towards somatic origin are reported, Tier 3 variants without evidence towards somatic origin are not reported. Benign or likely benign variants (Tier 4 variants) are not reported.

Incidental findings are genetic changes that are of medical importance but that are not directly relevant to the indication for testing. Identification of a potential germline pathogenic variant (PGPV) is considered an incidental finding. Incidental findings are reported at the discretion of the laboratory and are only reported if they have significant healthcare implications for the patient.

This test is intended for research purposes only. It is not a CLIA-approved clinical assay.

Limitations: A normal or inconclusive result does not eliminate the possibility of a genetic basis for disease in this individual and does not guarantee present or future health. Some types of genomic variants are not detectable by the technologies used to perform this test. This test is not intended to detect the following types of genetic variants: deletions/insertions of >15 bp, structural variation, variants in promotor regions and other non-coding regions, copy number variations, variations occurring within repetitive sequences and repeat expansion mutations, variants in regions with high homology or in genes with pseudogenes, mitochondrial genome mutations, epigenetic effects, mosaic events, and other complex aberrations. In addition, not all regions of the exome are fully covered by this analysis and variants in regions of low coverage may not be detected. The interpretation of this test is based on the assumption that the clinical information provided to the laboratory is accurate. Not all variants identified have been analyzed. In addition, the interpretation of these results is based on currently available scientific knowledge. Not all disease-associated genes have been identified and the clinical significance of variation in many genes is not well understood. Variant interpretation may change over time if more information becomes available. It is recommended that genetic test results be periodically reinterpreted. Healthcare providers can contact the laboratory to determine if there have been any changes to the interpretation of a variant or test result.

Although rare, the accuracy of results may also be impacted due to sample mix-up, DNA contamination, or poor DNA quality, as well as in the setting of bone marrow transplantation or a recent blood transfusion.

Laboratory Information: Genosity is a College of American Pathologists (CAP)-accredited and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-certified clinical diagnostic laboratory (CAP#: 8289311; CLIA #31D2142534). This test was performed at Genosity located at 485F US Route 1 South, Suite 110, Iselin, NJ 08830.

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